.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; pt=1/72; Org:Here # Two-wire line E1:ellipse wid 2mm__ ht 4mm__ line from E1.n right_ 30mm__ line from E1.s right_ 30mm__ # Half ellipse of half width, up. HEcentre:Here+(0,4mm__/2) for theta = -pi_/2 to 1.05*pi_/2 by pi_/20 do { line to HEcentre+(4mm__/2*cos(theta)/2, 4mm__*sin(theta)/2) } # Paste. move to E1 then down_ 10mm__ E1:ellipse wid 2mm__ ht 4mm__ line from E1.n right_ 30mm__ line from E1.s right_ 30mm__ Bot:Here+(0,2mm__) # Half ellipse of half width, up. HEcentre:Here+(0,4mm__/2) for theta = -pi_/2 to 1.05*pi_/2 by pi_/20 do { line to HEcentre+(4mm__/2*cos(theta)/2, 4mm__*sin(theta)/2) } dimension_(from E1.s to E1.n, 7mm__, "$d=2a$") dimension_(from Bot+(0,12mm__) to Bot, 5mm__, "$D$",3mm__,2mm__) circle rad 2mm__ at Org+(45mm__,0) circle rad 2mm__ at Org+(45mm__,-12mm__) # Fill vals are opposite to dot fill vals #$%^&#$%^#@ # Thats why I do dpic() :-) SAME :-) circle invis rad 4mm__ fill 0.6 at Org+(55mm__,0) circle invis rad 4mm__ fill 0.6 at Org+(55mm__,-12mm__) circle rad 2mm__ fill 1 at Org+(55mm__,0) circle rad 2mm__ fill 1 at Org+(55mm__,-12mm__) box invis wid 3mm__ ht 6mm__ fill 0.6 at Org+(55mm__,-6mm__) spline <- from Org+(55mm__,-6mm__) up_ 3mm__ right_ 3mm__ then right_ 5mm__ "$\genfrac{.}{\}}{0pt}{0}{\epsilon_r}{\epsilon_0}\;\epsilon_\mathrm{eff}$"\ at Here+(8mm__,-2mm__) line -> from last spline.end-(0,5mm__) left_ 4mm__ ###### # Coax move to Org-(0,30mm__); right_ E1:ellipse wid 2mm__ ht 4mm__ line from E1.n right_ 5mm__ line from E1.s right_ 5mm__ Bot:Here # Half ellipse of half width, up. HEcentre:Here+(0,4mm__/2) for theta = -pi_/2 to 1.05*pi_/2 by pi_/20 do { line to HEcentre+(4mm__/2*cos(theta)/2, 4mm__*sin(theta)/2) } move to Bot+(0,-3mm__) BBot:Here HEcentre:Here+(0,10mm__/2) hE=0 # Get rid of first straight line... for theta = -1.7*pi_/2 to 1.75*pi_/2 by pi_/20 do { if hE==0 then { hE=1; move to HEcentre+(10mm__/2*cos(theta)/2, 10mm__*sin(theta)/2) } else { line to HEcentre+(10mm__/2*cos(theta)/2, 10mm__*sin(theta)/2) } } line from BBot+(0,10mm__) right_ 25mm__ line from BBot right_ 25mm__ Bot:Here #re-use :-) # Half ellipse of half width, up. HEcentre:Here+(0,10mm__/2) for theta = -pi_/2 to 1.05*pi_/2 by pi_/20 do { line to HEcentre+(10mm__/2*cos(theta)/2, 10mm__*sin(theta)/2) } dimension_(from E1.s to E1.n, 7mm__, "$d=2a$") dimension_(from Bot+(0,10mm__) to Bot, 8mm__, "$D\!=\!2b$", 2mm__, 2mm__) circle rad 5mm__ fill 0.6 at Org+(50mm__,-30mm__) circle rad 2mm__ fill 1 at Org+(50mm__,-30mm__) spline <- from Org+(53.25mm__,-30mm__) up_ 3mm__ right_ 3mm__ then right_ 3mm__ "$\epsilon_r=\epsilon_\mathrm{eff}$" ljust_ ###### # Microstrip move to Org+(0,-50mm__); right_ B1:box invis fill 0.6 wid 30mm__ ht 4mm__ linethick_(2) line from B1.nw to B1.ne line from B1.sw to B1.se linethick_ B2:box invis fill 0.6 wid 15mm__ ht 4mm__ with .c at Org+(50mm__,-50mm__) linethick_(2) line from B2.sw to B2.se line from B2.n-(3mm__,0) to B2.n+(3mm__,0) linethick_ dimension_(from last line.start to last line.end, 3mm__, $w$, 2mm__) dimension_(from B2.sw to B2.nw, 3mm__, $h$, 3mm__) spline <- from B2.c+(4.5mm__,0) up_ 5mm__ right_ 5mm__ then right_ 5mm__ "$\genfrac{.}{\}}{0pt}{0}{\epsilon_r}{\epsilon_0}\;\epsilon_\mathrm{eff}$"\ at Here+(8mm__,-2mm__) line -> from last spline.end-(0,5mm__) left_ 4mm__ ###### # Waveguide move to Org+(0,-60mm__); right_ B1:box wid 30mm__ ht 10mm__ fill 0.6 with .nw at Here # Paint over coax entrances box invis wid 3mm__ ht 4mm__ fill 0.6 with .nw at B1.sw+(2mm__,1mm__) move to last box.se; line to (Here,B1.s) move to last box.sw; line to (Here,B1.s) box invis wid 3mm__ ht 4mm__ fill 0.6 with .ne at B1.se+(-2mm__,1mm__) move to last box.se; line to (Here,B1.s) move to last box.sw; line to (Here,B1.s) linethick_(2) line from last box.s up_ 8mm__ line from 2nd last box.s up_ 8mm__ linethick_ B2:box fill 0.6 wid 15mm__ ht 10mm__ with .n at Org+(50mm__,-60mm__) box invis wid 3mm__ ht 4mm__ fill 0.6 with .n at last box.s+(0,1mm__) move to last box.se; line to (Here,B2.s) move to last box.sw; line to (Here,B2.s) linethick_(2) line from last box.s up_ 8mm__ linethick_ dimension_(from B2.se to B2.sw,6mm__,"$a$",3mm__) dimension_(from B2.sw to B2.nw,3mm__,"$b$",3mm__) spline <- from 1/2 of the way between B2.c and B2.ne up_ 5mm__ right_ 5mm__ \ then right_ 5mm__ "$\epsilon_r=\epsilon_\mathrm{eff}$" ljust_ ###### # Fibre move to Org+(0,-90mm__); right_ O:Here # Local Org. # Order is rather specific to get correct layering!!! ellipse wid 4mm__ ht 8mm__ fill 0.6 at O+(30mm__,0) box invis wid 30mm__ ht 8mm__ fill 0.6 with .e at last ellipse.c E1:ellipse wid 4mm__ ht 8mm__ fill 0.6 at O line from E1.n right_ 30mm__ line from E1.s right_ 30mm__ move to O E2:ellipse wid 2mm__ ht 4mm__ fill 0.3 at O+(30mm__,0) box invis wid 30mm__ ht 4mm__ fill 0.3 with .e at E2.c E1:ellipse wid 2mm__ ht 4mm__ fill 0.3 at O line from E1.n right_ 30mm__ line from E1.s right_ 30mm__ move to O then left_ 10mm__ then down_ 2mm__; right_ line ->right_ 15mm__/2 up_ 2mm__ line right_ 15mm__/2 up_ 2mm__ line right_ 15mm__ down_ 4mm__ line -> right_ 15mm__ up_ 4mm__ C1:circle rad 4mm__ fill 0.6 at Org+(50mm__,-90mm__) C2:circle rad 2mm__ fill 0.3 at Org+(50mm__,-90mm__) spline <- from 1/2 of the way between C1.ne and C2.ne up_ 3mm__ right_ 3mm__ \ then right_ 3mm__ "$\eta_2$" ljust_ spline <- from C1.c down_ 3mm__ right_ 3mm__ then right_ 5mm__ "$\eta_1$" ljust_ ###### # link move to Org+(0,-110mm__); right_ O:Here # Centre of antenna is (0,3mm__) antenna(at O+(0,-3mm__)); antenna(at O+(30mm__,-3mm__)) arcr(O,10mm__,-pi_/12, pi_/12, dotted) arcr(O,15mm__,-pi_/12, pi_/12, dotted) arcr(O,20mm__,-pi_/12, pi_/12, dotted) move to O+(50mm__,0); right_ {circle dotted rad 8mm__ with .c at Here} antenna(at Here+(0,-3mm__)) " 102.7\ts MHz" at last circle.e ljust ###### # Evkom move to Org+(0,-130mm__); right_ O:Here linethick_(2) line down_ 10mm__ move right_ 30mm__ line up_ 10mm__ linethick_ move to O+(0,-2mm__) spline right_ 15mm__ down_ 5mm__ then right_ 15mm__ up_ 5mm__ line right_ 4mm__ down_ 1.25mm__ move to O+(0,-2mm__) line left_ 4mm__ down_ 1.25mm__ move to O+(50mm__, 0) O1:Here linethick_(2) {line left_ 5mm__} {line right_ 5mm__} {line from O1-(3mm__,0) to O1+(0,-10mm__)} {line from O1+(3mm__,0) to O1+(0,-10mm__)} linethick_ line down_ 2mm__ ; circle rad 0.5mm__ line from O1-(5mm__,0) down_ 2mm__ ; circle rad 0.5mm__ line from O1+(5mm__,0) down_ 2mm__ ; circle rad 0.5mm__ "765kV !" at Org+(60mm__,-135mm__) ljust_ "{\tiny txlnexa}" at Org+(60mm__,-145mm__) .PE