.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; # wire radius, wire separation, and wire length wr=6mm__; #ws=10mm__; ws=dim-wr/2 wl=40mm__; Orig:Here # Two-wire line E1:ellipse wid wr/2 ht wr line from E1.n right_ wl line from E1.s right_ wl E2:ellipse wid wr/2 ht wr with .s at Here box invis fill 1 wid wr/2 ht wr-lthick with .e at E2.c # Paste. move to E1 then down_ ws E1:ellipse wid wr/2 ht wr line from E1.n right_ wl line from E1.s right_ wl E2:ellipse wid wr/2 ht wr with .s at Here box invis fill 1 wid wr/2 ht wr-lthick with .e at E2.c dimension_(from E1.s to E1.n, -7mm__, $2a$, 3mm__) dimension_(from E2.c+(0,ws+wr/2) to E2.c, 6mm__, $D$,3mm__,2mm__) line from E1.c left_ 5mm__ source(up_,AC) line right_ 5mm__ move to E1.s+(15mm__,-5mm__) L1:dimension_(right_ 20mm__, 2.5mm__, "d$x$", 4mm__) move to L1.start+(0,5mm__+wr) line -> up_ ws-wr/2; right_ "$V$" at last line.center rjust_ move to L1.start+(0,5mm__+wr/2) dimension_(right_ 20mm__,,"$I$", 2mm__,,->) "{\tiny trvolt}" at Orig+(40mm__,-22mm__) .PE