.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; L1:line right_ 50mm__ line right_ 5mm__ resistor(down_,,E); llabel(,Z_L) line left_ 5mm__ line left_ 50mm__ "$Z_0; j\beta$" at L1.center+(0,-hlf) move to L1.start resistor(left,E) source(down,AC) line right move to L1.start gap(down_,1) move to L1.end gap(down_,1) # amplitude, frequency, phase, start time, end time, linespec # (a,twopi_*n/x, -pi/2, 0, x, dashed) with .Start at A # n cycles of length x # want 2 cycles of 50Hz (T=20ms) to be 60mm__long # # straight from Rectifiers.txt tmax=50mm__ period=tmax eamp=0.5 omega=twopi_/period ed=eamp/6 #ted = asin(ed/eamp)/twopi_/period ted=0 #right_; sinusoid(eamp,omega,-pi_/2,-ted, tmax) with .Origin at L1.start # Set vectors right_ # It draws a COSINE.... #sinusoid(amplitude,radians/distance,startPhase,startOffsetDistance,endDistance) dist=100mm__ # length of sinusoid. onecycle=twopi_/dist sinusoid(hlf,2*onecycle,0,25mm__,dist) with .Origin at L1.start .PE \endinput "$x=0$" at L1.end+(0,6mm__) "$x=x$" at L1.start+(0,6mm__) line <- from L1.start+(0,3mm__) to L1.end+(0,3mm__) move to L1.start line -> up_ from Here+(0,-dim) "$V_x$" at last line.center+(3mm__,0) line -> from L1.start+(-5mm__,-15mm__) right_ 10mm__ "$I_x$" at last line.center+(0,-3mm__) move to L1.start+(-qrt,-hlf) line <- left_ hlf then down_ qrt "$Z_x$" at Here+(0,-2mm__) "\tiny term2" at (L1.center.x,-20mm__) .PE