.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; line right_ 4*dim "Ground" rjust_ above_ "Plane" rjust_ below_ move to (dim,0.25*dim) line right_ hlf; dot; linethick_(1.5); line up_ 2*dim; linethick_() line dotted down_ 2*dim right_ dim move to (dim,-0.25*dim) line dashed right_ hlf; dot; linethick_(1.5); line dashed down_ 2*dim; linethick_() line dotted up_ 2*dim right_ dim move to (dim,2.25*dim) L1:line invis to (dim,-2.25*dim) dimension_(from L1.start to L1.center,-0.25*dim,h,5mm__) dimension_(from L1.start to L1.end,-1.2*dim,$\ell$,5mm__) "\tiny shortmono" at (2.5*dim,-2*dim) .PE