.PS include(libcct.m4) cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; mm=1/25.4; pi=atan2(0,-1); Orig: Here # Need to blank out the background ellipse first :-) E3:ellipse wid 30*mm ht 15*mm box invis fill 0 wid 30*mm-0.016 ht 15*mm with .s at E3.c line -> from E3.e up_ 3*mm left_ 1.5*mm move to E3 + (5*mm, 15*mm) E1:ellipse wid 10*mm ht 5*mm line from E1.e down_ 30*mm line from E1.w down_ 30*mm E2:ellipse wid 10*mm ht 5*mm with .w at Here # Default TeX pic output is a linethickness of 8 mils!! box invis fill 0 wid 10*mm-0.016 ht 5*mm with .s at E2.c line -> from E2.c+(0,5*mm) up_ 20*mm right_ " $I$" at last line.center ljust_ line -> from E3.c to E3.sw "$r$ " rjust_ above_ at last line.center dimension_(from E2.w to E2.e, -7*mm, 2a, 4*mm, -3*mm) "{\tiny biot}" at Orig+(30*mm,-20*mm) .PE