.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; dot(,1mm__);{"1" at Here+(0,4mm__)} L1:line right_ 4*dim; dot(,1mm__); {"2" at Here+(0,4mm__)} line right_ dim; " $\theta=0^\circ$" ljust_ dimension_(from L1.start to L1.center, -qrt,$d/2$,6mm__) dimension_(from L1.center to L1.end, -qrt,$d/2$,6mm__) line from L1.start left # P is at 30\degrees x = 3*dim * cos(pi_/6) + L1.center.x; y = 3*dim * sin(pi_/6); line -> from L1.center to (x,y); x = 2.5*dim * cos(pi_/6) + L1.center.x; y = 2.5*dim * sin(pi_/6); # Easier to specify this way: Produces an error, but it works :-) A1:arcr(L1.center, 2.5*dim, 0, pi_/6, invis) arcdimension_(A1,,$\theta$,4mm__) # Intercept length intcpt = 2*dim*sin(pi_/6); x = 2*dim - intcpt * cos(pi_/3) + L1.center.x; y = intcpt * sin(pi_/3); line from L1.end to (x,y) D1:Here line from L1.start to (L1.center.x-(x-L1.center.x),-y) D2:Here line to L1.center dimension_(from D2 to D1,-hlf,,) "$d\cos\theta$" at D2 +(1.25*dim,0) ljust_ "\tiny TwoIso" at (4.5*dim,-dim) .PE