.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; dot(,1mm__); "1 " rjust line right_ 2*dim dot(,1mm__); " 2" ljust move to last line.center Orig:Here # move to first point without drawing :-) for theta = 0 to twopi_ by 0.01 do { e = abs(0.8*cos(pi_*10*cos(theta))) if theta==0 then{ move to Orig+(e*cos(theta),e*sin(theta)) }else{ line to Orig+(e*cos(theta),e*sin(theta)) } } "Array Pat.$10\lambda$" at Orig+(0, -2*dim) move from Orig right_ 2*dim linethick_(2) line right_ 2*dim; linethick_() move to last line.center Orig:Here # Line starts close enough to Orig to avoid the first point anomaly. for theta = 0 to twopi_ by 0.01 do { e = abs(0.8*sin(theta)) line to Orig+(e*cos(theta),e*sin(theta)) } "Hor. Dipole Pat." at Orig+(0, -2*dim) "\tiny TenWave" at (5*dim,-1.5*dim) .PE