.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; linethick_(1.5) line from (0,0.1*dim) up_ 2* dim Dtop:Here line from (0,-0.1*dim) down_ 2* dim Dbot:Here linethick_() #default dimension_(from Dtop to Dbot,-1.5*dim,"L",hlf,5mm__) # y is at (0,dim) move to (0.05*dim,0.9*dim) ts=0.1*dim right_; line to rvec_(0,2*ts) then to rvec_(-ts,2*ts) then to rvec_(-ts,0) \ then to Here DyBot:(0,-Here.y) dimension_(from (0,0) to (0,Here.y+ts),hlf,$y$,qrt) dimension_(from DyBot to DyBot-(0,2*ts),-hlf,$dy$,0.45*dim) move to (0.05*dim, -1.1*dim) right_; line to rvec_(0,2*ts) then to rvec_(-ts,2*ts) then to rvec_(-ts,0) \ then to Here rl=3*dim; ra=atan2(1,3) P:(rl*cos(ra),rl*sin(ra)) line from (0,0) to P; "$r_0$" at last line.center below_ ljust_ line from (0,dim) to P+(0,dim); "$r=r_0 - y\cos\theta$" at last \ line.center below_ ljust_ line from (0,-dim) to P-(0,dim); "$r^\prime=r_0 + y \cos\theta$" at last \ line.center below_ ljust_ "(P) at $\infty$" at P+(hlf,0) ljust_ hyp=1*dim*cos(ra); line dotted from (0, dim) down_ hyp*cos(ra) right_ hyp*sin(ra) dimension_(from Here to (0,0), qrt) "$y\cos\theta$" at (-0.2*dim, -0.35*dim) rjust_ #arc <-> cw radius 0.5*dim from (0,1.5*dim) to \ # (0, 1*dim)+(hlf*cos(ra), hlf*sin(ra)) #"$\theta$" at (0.2*dim, 1.2*dim) move to (0,dim) Y:Here rl = 0.75*dim arcdimension_(cw radius rl from Y+(0,rl) to \ Y+(rl*cos(ra), rl*sin(ra)),,"$\theta$",2mm__ ) spline from Dtop right_ 0.6*dim down_ dim then right_ \ 0.15*dim down_ dim dashed spline from Dbot right_ 0.6*dim up_ dim then right_ \ 0.15* dim up_ dim dashed right_ "$I=I_0\sin\beta(L/2-y)e^{j\omega t}$" at (0.5*dim,2.2*dim) ljust_ # line -> from (hlf,2.0*dim) down_ 0.2*dim left_ 0.3*dim right_ "$I=I_0\sin\beta(L/2+y)e^{j\omega t}$" at (hlf,-1.5*dim) ljust_ "\tiny Sinusoidal" at (2.5*dim,-2.5*dim) .PE