.PS cct_init # Usual defs... qrt=dimen_/4; hlf=dimen_/2; dim=dimen_; Org:Here dot(,1mm__) "1" at Org+(-3mm__,4mm__) L1:line from Org right_ 4*dim dot(,1mm__) "2" at L1.end+(3mm__,4mm__) line from L1.end right_ dim; " $\theta=0^\circ$" ljust_ move down 2.5*dim dimension_(from (L1.start,Here) to (L1.end,Here),,$d=\lambda/2$,13mm__) line from L1.start left linethick_(2) #linethick_(1.5) line from (0,-dim) to (0,dim) line from L1.end+(0,-dim) to L1.end+(0,dim) linethick_(); # Define \alpha: say 30\degrees from zenith... len = 1.5*dim theta = pi_/3 # complement. line from Org to (len*cos(theta),len*sin(theta)) # Neat trick to define arcspec: produces an error, but works :-) A1:arcd((0,0),1.25*dim,60,90,invis) arcdimension_(A1,,$\alpha$,2.5mm__,,<-) # Define \theta theta = pi_/6 line from L1.center to L1.center+(len*cos(theta),len*sin(theta)) A1:arcd(L1.center,1.25*dim,0,30,invis) arcdimension_(A1,,$\theta$,2.5mm__,,->) # Array Pattern move to L1.center for theta = 0 to twopi_ by 0.05 do { # roughly 100 points... e = abs(cos(pi_/2*cos(theta))) line to L1.center+(e*cos(theta),e*sin(theta)) } # Element pattern, complementary angle, so # sin(\alpha)=cos(90-\alpha=\theta) :-) (moving centre to L1.c) move to L1.center for theta = 0 to twopi_ by 0.05 do { e = abs(cos(theta)) line to L1.center+(e*cos(theta),e*sin(theta)) } # Pattern Multiplication of the above... move to L1.center for theta = 0 to twopi_ by 0.05 do { e = abs(cos(theta)*cos(pi_/2*cos(theta))) line to L1.center+(e*cos(theta),e*sin(theta)) } # Enforce direction vectors: right_ # and compute lines. Try this with a mouse... "$E=\displaystyle E_0\left[\cos\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\cos\theta\right)\right]$" \ ljust at L1.center+(15mm__,25mm__) # choose 75\degrees theta = dtor_*75 e = abs(cos(pi_/2*cos(theta))) line outlined "red" -> to L1.center+(e*cos(theta), e*sin(theta)) "$E=k\sin\alpha$" at L1.center+(1.5*dim,1.2*dim) ljust theta = dtor_*45 e = abs(cos(theta)) line outlined "red" -> to L1.center+(e*cos(theta), e*sin(theta)) # linebreaking this, even with \ introduces space!!! "$E=\displaystyle E_0\left[\cos\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\cos\theta\right)\right]\times k\sin\alpha$" \ at L1.center+(dim,-2*dim) ljust theta = dtor_*(-55) # Must bracket: Unitary minus not allowed :-) e = abs(cos(theta)*cos(pi_/2*cos(theta))) line outlined "red" -> to L1.center+(e*cos(theta), e*sin(theta)) "\tiny PatMult" at (4.5*dim,-3*dim) .PE