.PS cct_init Org: Here bit=10mm__ # Bit timings. (I LOVE THIS BLOODY PACKAGE!!! Try this in any ``Cad'' # affair!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {line up_ 1mm__} for i = 1 to 10 do{ line right_ bit {line up_ 1mm__} {sprintf("%g", i) at 2nd last line.center+(0,3mm__) } } # 1101011000 (Data Stream)---I should do this with a for too :-) move to Org+(0,-5mm__) {right_; "Data " rjust_ at rvec_(0,-bit/2)} line right_ 2*bit then down_ bit then right_ bit then up_ bit\ then right_ bit then down_ bit then right_ bit then up_ bit\ then right_ 2*bit then down_ bit then right 3* bit # Odd Bits, stretched. move to Org+(0,-20mm__) {right_; "Odd bits " rjust at rvec_(0,-bit/2)} line right_ 2* bit then down_ bit then right_ 4* bit then up_ bit \ then right_ 2* bit then down_ bit then right_ 2* bit # Even bits, stretched and delayed. move to Org+(0,-35mm__) {right_; "Even bits " rjust at rvec_(0,-bit/2)} {move down_ bit; line <-> right_ bit; "Offset" at last line.center+(0,-3mm__)} move right_ bit; line right_ 6* bit then down_ bit then right_ 3* bit # High Frequency +ve sense. move to Org+(0,-55mm__) SinOrg:Here {right_; "High Freq " rjust at Here} # Full sine wave per bit period (2pi per bit) 1/2 bit amplitude. for i = 0 to 10*bit by bit/20 do { line to (i,SinOrg.y+0.5*bit*sin(i*(twopi_)/bit)) } # Low Frequency -ve sense. move to Org+(0,-70mm__) SinOrg:Here {right_; "Low Freq " rjust at Here} # Half sine wave per bit period (pi per bit) 1/2 bit amplitude. for i = 0 to 10*bit by bit/20 do { line to (i,SinOrg.y-0.5*bit*sin(i*(pi_)/bit)) } # Now for the fun :-) move to Org-(0,85mm__) SinOrg:Here {right_; "MSK " rjust at Here} move right_ bit # H+ for i = 1*bit to 2*bit by bit/20 do { line to (i,SinOrg.y+0.5*bit*sin(i*(2*pi_)/bit)) } # L- for i = 2*bit to 6*bit by bit/20 do { line to (i,SinOrg.y+0.5*bit*sin(i*(pi_)/bit)) } # H+ for i = 6*bit to 7*bit by bit/20 do { line to (i,SinOrg.y+0.5*bit*sin(i*(2*pi_)/bit)) } # L+ for i = 7*bit to 8*bit by bit/20 do { line to (i,SinOrg.y-0.5*bit*sin(i*(pi_)/bit)) } # H- for i = 8*bit to 10*bit by bit/20 do { line to (i,SinOrg.y-0.5*bit*sin(i*(2*pi_)/bit)) } move to Org-(0,95mm__) move right_ 1.5*bit "H+" ; move right_ bit "L-" ; move right_ bit "L-" ; move right_ bit "L-" ; move right_ bit "L-" ; move right_ bit "H+" ; move right_ bit "L+" ; move right_ bit "H-" ; move right_ bit "H-" ; move right_ bit "\tiny MSK" at (100mm__,-100mm__) .PE